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We have 3 categories:

We will choose a monthly winner for each category:

1. Birthday Celebration:

We believe everybody deserves to celebrate their birthday with cake. 

This gift is for a community member who is overcoming significant adversity on their special day.


2. Community Service:

We celebrate good humans doing sweet things in their community. 

This cake is for someone who sprinkles random acts of kindness to make our world a better place. 

3. Community Development:

We know that it takes a village to raise a child.   

This 'adult & child cupcake decorating class' gift is for a community member who is actively strengthening our community.  For example, a police officer looking for creative ways to engage with youth at risk - or a grandparent who is going the extra mile and also raising their grandchildren.       ​​​

Who do you vote for?

Nominate someone you believe deserves a Cakes4Good, your vote matters! 

We will publish the results in our monthly newsletter.


Our Cakes4Good sprinkle joy across the community. 

We measure our impact

We believe that sugarcraft classes bring people together to improve wellbeing in a positive way! 

We measure our impact in four ways:

i) volume of training delivered 

ii) student feedback

iii) number of social connection opportunities created

iv) number of Cakes4Good delivered each month 


Global Citizen

Ecofriendly products

We believe that each of us have a duty of care toward our planet. We make it our business to minimise our footprint, and learn about the supply chain processes.  We want to be on the good side of change. 
Supporting local hives

We are grateful for the contribution bees make to our planet.  We support local beekeepers and lavendar farms by using their products in our cakes and frostings.  We raise awareness in our marketing and product descriptions.     

Buttercream Frosting

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